Autoglym interiør shampoo

Autoglym Interiør Shampo er et produkt du kan bruke til hele cupéen. Interior Shampoo Interior Shampoo is suitable for all of your interior fabrics and hard surfaces. If you have leather surfaces, use Leather Cleaner instead. A spill or stain on your interior can ruin the look of your car. Dette er en Interiør Shampo som inneholder en blanding av overflateaktive ingredienser og luktfjernede midler for hurtig og trygg dyprensing.

Interior shampoo contains a blend of surface-active ingredients to deep clean, freshen and deodorise, quickly and safely.

I dag har jeg vaska bilen både utvendig og innvendig. Og jeg kjøpte bilen i november og tok en skikkelig vask innvendig siden været har vært så fint. Slik ser den ut 🙂 Først og fremst må jeg si at jeg elsker autoglym, alt fra polering til fast glass. Men for noen månder siden handla. Til skinninteriør brukes Autoglym Leather Cleaner.

FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. This intensive cleaner removes marks, spills and stains from all interior surfaces. The low foam formula is easy .

B) INTERIOR SHAMPOO 500ML AUTOGLYM AURIS. It is an easy to use spray and wipe formula, ideal for removing stains and grime from synthetic fabric upholstery, carpets, roof linings, vinyl and . Despite a higher price counting against it, Autoglym found its way into our commended products thanks to its superb cleaning ability. It was one of the best on the grease smear, and topped the table with our champion on the ground-in chocolate.

We also liked the sheen it left on the panel. The inside is just as important as the outside! Getting into a clean car makes you feel great and makes driving more enjoyable.

This Multipurpose cleaner for your car interior is suitable for both hard surfaces and fabrics. Designed for use on almost all interior surfaces, this spray-on shampoo helps lift dirt away and cleanse the surface, leaving behind a pleasant scent. Instructions: After vacuuming, spray in a sweeping motion, agitating . Et flekkfritt interiør er like viktig som perfekt lakk.

Hvis du har skinnoverflater, bruk Skinnrens (Leather Cleaner) i stedet. Matter, dører, taktrekk. A lovely clean interior is the best feeling. With the interior shampoo , you can easily remove interior grime and dirt making your interior fresh as a daisy!

It quickly removes built-up dirt and . Et interiørsjampo som rengjør og frisker opp matter, seter og trekk av plast og tekstil.

A spotless interior is as important as perfect paintwork. Getting in a clean car not only feels great, but it helps focus you on the drive ahead.

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