Brent blend

Brent utvinnes fra oljefelt i Nordsjøen. De mest kjente hovedklassene (også kjent som benchmark) . A type of sweet crude oil that is used as a benchmark for the prices of other crude oils. The main factors that decide which benchmark oil will be pegged to are the quality of the oil and the extraction location . Et annet navn på denne oljen er forøvrig brent blend , London Brent og i Norge kalles den også nordsjøolje.

Prisen på brent olje er basert på brent-markedet.

Se kurser, grafer, nyheter, nøkkelbergninger og anbefalinger, og delta i Euroinvestors diskusjonsforum for private investorer. Dette er en uformell arena hvor det . Oslo Børs tilbyr handel i egenkapitalinstrumenter, derivater og renteprodukter. Over last twelve months the price has raisen 26. A blend of crude oil from the North Sea the price of which is a benchmark against which the majority of oil traded in the world is compared. Definitions of common offshore oil and gas industry terms used by independent oil and gas development and production company EnQuest.

WTI), and sulfur content is about 0. Blend Crude Oil of the quality available at the Loading Terminal at the time of loading. For the avoidance of doubt, a Cargo may comprise one or more parcels o£.

It serves as a benchmark price for two-thirds of all crude oil trading around the world. A major trading classification of light crude oil that is extracted in the North Sea. The price of this API, 0. North Sea is used to determine the prices of many other world crudes.

The assay was supplied by Enterprise Oil plc, London. Units: US Dollars per Barrel. The OPEC Basket crude oil. West Texas intermediate ( WTI) crude oil 3. By way of clarification, a benchmark is, in the current context, a standard against which the properties of . Trading halt may due to volatility interruptions or disorderly market conditions. Monday April from 72.

En råoljekvalitet som brukes som en referansepris for andre råolje. Its specific gravity (API) is around degrees and its sulphur content is 0.

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